Saturday, May 27, 2006


dumpling festival! lots and lots of dumplings! haha.. kk i only had one lah. but it was lots of fun cos i was busy feeding my little cousin (see below), mishka, bananas and water melon. hohoho... muah. she's so cute right?? though i agree her face looks a little distorted here.. oops. heehee... she's a really pretty little girl. yep.

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:41 pm|


Friday, May 19, 2006


tada!!! the latest addition to my family!! my newest little bun-bun-bunny!! haha... its a lionhead breed. actually the shopkeeper said its a cross between a lionhead and a jersey woolly or something. its two months old and i love it! *muax*

and here we have my bunny's ears! haha.. cute, no?

where is the him that i’m looking for… |1:07 pm|


Sunday, May 14, 2006


should i get a bunny?
Free polls from

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:07 pm|


had driving today. gosh. stalled like 3+++ times... i think my instructor is afraid of seeing me alr... he's alr progressed to the nagging stage cos i KEEP making the SAME mistakes. sighs.

haiyoh... my ex-and-my-sis's-current tuition teacher asked me to help her carry out surveys for the public health board. howww??? i dont want. sighs. i hate doing 1)flagdays 2)surveys 3)customer service. but the last one is not so bad lah. anw, i feel so bad rejecting her so no choice lor... thank heavens my gpsm is there to rescue me... *muax*

yst: i went to ntu for the chem and biochem talk thingy. the food is pretty lousey. except for the soon kueh. the biological science people got nicer food than us from what i heard form suyi... and a better venue too. blehs. the talk is ok. i must say, that prof ___ makes a VERY GOOD sales person. he almost convinced me to sign up w ntu alr.. until i realised he made his 'assistant' click the ppt very fast at some slides cos he didnt want us to focus on it and realise that what he's been trying to sell is a bunch of crap. hahahaha....
after the talk they made us think there were going to be tours to the lab. pfft.. so simin and i hung ard, where i koped more soon kueh, then we left. heh. ran off to jurong point for some retail therapy... i mean, window shopping...

yayyay im the FIRST to vote on ur poll gpsm! hahaha......
and you know what's great? i wanted to do a poll and was wondering how i could go about getting it on my blog and tada! my gpsm to the rescue again... what wld i do without her??? hahaha...

where is my nus letter???? wherewherewhere.....?????? iNEEDyou.

where is the him that i’m looking for… |9:36 pm|


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


i managed to cancel my practical at the last minute today..!!! heng ahhh... or else i would have to forefit the money or go for the lesson. but im not ready to go for a night lesson, especially not after last week. i feel i still need ALOT of practise with my clutch and gear-changing first, without having to adjust to night conditions. phew. thank god somebody took the slot. :D

let me recount the events of today.. first, i refused to wake up and promptly went back to sleep after my gran dragged me out of bed and made me brush my teeth. then i was running late for my driving lesson, or so i thought. anyway, i managed to flag the bus quite quickly and was happily on my way when i realised that i forgot to bring my pdl!!! mans. so i got off at the je library stop, walked as fast as possible along the overhead bridge and ran for my bus, which miracously came at just the right time. aboard, i was feverently hoping against hope that i got the time wrong and my lesson was actually at 1355 instead, cos i sometimes book that slot.. i practically ran all the way home, and was sweating like a pig when i finally pressed hard onto the doorbell. did i mention that i had to cross yet another overhead bridge to get home? so i rushed in like a madwoman, grabbed my wallet and was about to fly back out of the room when i decided to take a peek in my organiser to double check the time of my lesson. i nearly laughed out loud when i saw 'practical: 18:00-19:40' printed neatly on today's page.

mans. i could have boxed myself. thank heavens i checked my organiser again. i almost didnt cos i didnt want to waste those few precious seconds... so after that, i decided i should reward myself for the marathon i put myself through by going and getting Aunt Anne's Pretzel. yum! oh, and i told my mum a fib cos i made her think that i went all the way to the driving centre, when in actual fact i was out getting my pretzel. oopsies, bad me.

yays! chui'll be home tomorrow cos mg's fixed tmw as their 'in lieu of a public holiday being on a saturday' "public holiday". wheeeeee! we're gonna be doing LOADS of things tgt. heehee.

and i for one will definitely NOT forget you, gpsm, so u better come back from kl safely or i'll never forgive you!!!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |3:32 pm|


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


i'm going out with hon tmw! i cant wait! i havent seen her in ages. gosh. i think i forgot how she looks like already. haha! kidding!

then on friday my gpsm and i are gonna catch eight below. i do truly hope that the cinemas are still screening it... otherwise we'll just have to watch something else. I wanna watch over the hedge! But it's not being shown yet. Darn.

I caught The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest trailer today on CNA. Mans. I cant wait to watch it!! July 13th here I come!! (and to think exactly one year later ootp will be released! I must go and buy 4d liao... haha)

Anw i heard this song today on the radio.. its by Saving Jane. whoopdedoo... here goes:

Small town homecoming queen
She's the star in this scene
Theres no way to deny she's lovley
Perfect skin perfect hair
Perfumed hearts everywhere
Tell myself that inside she's ugly
Maybe I'm just jealous
I can't help but hate her
Secretly I wonder if my boyfriend wants to date her

She is the prom queen
I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader
I'm sittin in the stands
She gets the top bunk
I'm sleepin on the floor
She's Miss America and I'm just the girl next door

Senior class president
She must be heaven sent
She was never the last one standing
A backseat debutaunt
Everything that you want
Never to harsh or too demanding
Maybe I'll admit it
I'm a little bitter
Everybody loves her but I just wanna hit her

She is the prom queen
I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader
I'm sittin in the stands
She gets the top bunk
I'm sleepin on the floor
Shes Miss America and I'm just the girl next door
Oh and I'm just the girl next door

I don't know why I'm feelin sorry for myself
I spend all my time wishin that I was someone else

She is the prom queen
I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader
I'm sittin in the stands
I get A little bit
She gets a little more

Shes Miss America and... she's Miss America
I'm just the girl next door...

There's something terribly wrong with my internet connection! Sobs... noooo.... Stop doing this to me.. PLEASE............

where is the him that i’m looking for… |10:22 pm|


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


i nearly got into an accident today! mans. it was damn scary lor. i was having my practical lesson and feeling very blur again.. got honked at once by a car turning right went i was entering the slip road. anw, i could feel my instructor getting irritated with me cos i was still making the same mistakes. truthfully, i was getting pissed with myself too. its like what the hell is wrong with me???!! anyway, he was going on about speed control and how i should go fast when the conditions allow so that i know how to brake and control the car when the occasion calls for it. so i was at a traffic light junction and it was the green light so i was thinking "go go go!" and my instructor was like "yes, that's correct. speed up then change gear up..." then suddenly out of nowhere this right turning car swerved into my path then everything happened so quickly.. my instructor was grabbing onto the steering wheel and honking like mad, i was like screaming in my head "brake brake! Where's my brake?? oh man!! clutch in clutch in or the engine will stall..."

all in all, it was a very close brush but the cars didnt come into contact ie didnt crash and noone was injured. did i mention that the stupid black car that didnt give way was so scared of banging into us that he swung his car so completely to the right and nearly banged into the traffic light himself. so dumb! if he was so scared, he shouldnt have tried cutting me in the first place right??

my instructor said he was probably trying to take advantage of me cos i was driving an L-plate and was bound to go slow. but we're not in the wrong and if he really did hit us he would have to bear all the costs. so ha!

still it was rather scary. to think i could be in hospital now or something. i really thank the lord that im still alive. phew.

i really need to get the hang of this driving thing....

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:18 pm|


storyboard author

yin teng
24th Nov 1987/ rabbit/Sagittarius

my family
my gpsm
su yi

in my lifetime, i hope to:
*have a loving husband
*and two adorable kids
*open a candy shop
*try writing a novel

my memories

|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|July 2006|September 2006|October 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|June 2007|July 2007|August 2007|October 2007|January 2008|June 2008

My Blabberbox

chit chat & gossip

My Friends

|Adeline| Ben| Chui| Dephne|
|Janice| Melissa| Michelle| Robyn|
|Serena| Simin | YongMing| sc4|
|my past| east coast park| disney on ice (princess classics)| muse (30/03/05)| 22nd May 2004|