Sunday, April 30, 2006


what a marvelous day today was!
i was awoken by my mum at 11am today... a tad too early if you ask me. now dont go around thinking that im a lazy pig... you'd find 11am too early too if u went to sleep at around 640. AM. haha!

jan and i suceeded in our movie marathon. we managed to get through 4 movies and stayed up the whole night like we planned to... except for the time she dozed off during the pink panther and the time i dozed off during drive me crazy. hey, we're only human.

after that on sunday morning we headed to town for some retail therapy! but not after being stuffed with roti prata, ondeh ondeh and strawberries courtesy of my mum... haha.. its amazing, our bodies.. how it can withstand hours of shopping with so little sleep...

note to jan: sorry you had to sleep in the living room... i hope it wasnt too hot or anything... did u ache in the moring? i hope not....

anw, i had loads of fun :D we should do this again sometime! cos ive always wanted to have a sleepover cum movie marathon with my friends since young, just like all the kids did in the books i used to read from waaayy back... haha... though i promise to clear my room and provide better accomodations next time! hawhaw...

oh yah. i highly recommend the pink panther! Its really really hilarious.. i'll never react to a hamburger in the same way again.... the prince and me was nice too.. kinda cliche but really romantic... esp when they were in the library... so sweet.. sighs. a lot like love is really good too! its weird to see ashton kutcher in such a serious, sensitive, romantic role... jan's dream guy! she was practically drooling over him... better let ahem watch the movie so he knows what to do... *winks*

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:38 pm|


Wednesday, April 26, 2006


oh my gosh.. i have my manaul dexterity test in less than 3 hours!! somebody save me! im so nervous about it.... i dont even know why.. goodness. i mean, i do hope i can get into dentistry but there are like what at least over 200 people fighting for 30 seats. its seriously crazy man. plus, i have no gift of the gap. how am i going to charm my interviewers? gosh. i dont even know why i put dentistry in the first place!

yesterday i accompanied janice for her interview at nus. mans. did they ask weird questions or what... i mean, what does the bridge have to do with science? it so reminds me of gp. which i am so bad at. what if they ask me on current affairs? *experiencing shortness of breath* quick! somebody tell me some current affairs i can discuss about!! anw, im digressing.. yeah, so gpsm, dont think so much about it k? just leave it all in God's hands. im sure there will be good news coming soon....

help! its coming!
i have to carve chalk??!!!!
i hope i dont do something really stupid and get kicked out on the spot by the invigilators.
i'll just leave everything in HIS hands.

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:46 am|


Friday, April 07, 2006


Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Brown!

What's Your True Color?
Brought to you by Tickle

where is the him that i’m looking for… |3:31 pm|


storyboard author

yin teng
24th Nov 1987/ rabbit/Sagittarius

my family
my gpsm
su yi

in my lifetime, i hope to:
*have a loving husband
*and two adorable kids
*open a candy shop
*try writing a novel

my memories

|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|July 2006|September 2006|October 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|June 2007|July 2007|August 2007|October 2007|January 2008|June 2008

My Blabberbox

chit chat & gossip

My Friends

|Adeline| Ben| Chui| Dephne|
|Janice| Melissa| Michelle| Robyn|
|Serena| Simin | YongMing| sc4|
|my past| east coast park| disney on ice (princess classics)| muse (30/03/05)| 22nd May 2004|