Monday, February 20, 2006


this calls for a celebration!! to welcome the arrival of my baby cousin on this very day! and the first male grandson for my grandma since 17 years ago... but baby maven is kinda premature i think. he was due in march.. mans. i pray that he will be ok. i know he will. praise the lord for this new life!

tmw's the first day of work for me! *shudders* wish me all the best! hope i dont meet any irritating pple, and that i dont offend anybody...

help!! got another blister.. a kinda abrasion on my left heel.. the skin is flapping off.. ouch!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |12:16 am|


Saturday, February 18, 2006


freaking hell. mum is angry with me. i hate myself. i hate my temper. i hate her; and yet i can't really make myself believe that, because i owe her so much. i really hate myself. yesterday i made my sister angry too. in fact she was so pissed she started crying. what the hell is wrong with me?? i just wish i could fade into oblivion.

today's funorama. i wonder how it will go. i hope ac will reach their target. in fact, i'm positively sure they will, as always. i hope my temper wont get the better of me later, and that my bad mood doesnt rub off anybody. maybe i just shouldnt go. now that's the best idea i've had all day.

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:36 am|


Friday, February 17, 2006


jan you horrible girl! you didnt tell me you were going for the v'day get together! oh mans. now i feel so horrible. i mean, how often is it that the mg gals actually meet up?? and i've never gone to a gathering with you together before. sobs. my heart is torn apart.... ah wells. next year then.

to my gpsm: when will you be free?? i miss meeting up with you already.
sighs. hope im not being too sticky or anything. bahs.

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:13 pm|


Thursday, February 16, 2006


tada!! my flowers! pretty huh? i finally got around to uploading the photos today. oh no. the nice velvety flower didnt make it into the photo.. i wonder if its too late to go and get a snapshot of it now. its a really cute flower, small and inconspicuous. i didnt even notice it at first. on a closer look, however, i fell in love with it! its even nicer than the rose. its such a deep red. and its velvety! and i've never seen such a flower before. oh the novelty of it all. haha..

where is the him that i’m looking for… |3:15 pm|


Wednesday, February 15, 2006


i feel utterly sick. i cant believe what i had for dinner. and i cant believe i let myself eat everything! its just lots of oil, and fats... did i mention oil?? gag.

i dont know why i even let myself watch tv. all the dramas that im currently 'chasing' end sadly. lovers who belong together get separated; people die; its just terribly tragic. sometimes i wonder if im sadistic. why put myself through all those happy moments when i already know how horribly its going to end??? i'm just asking for it.

that moment in time was nice. i felt special for the first time in a very long time. it was just so genuine; no ulterior motive. like i was being appreciated for who i am. yes, it was nice. even if it was only for a split-second.

Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say
It's time to say it
Goodbye, Goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me...

where is the him that i’m looking for… |9:19 pm|


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


happy valentine's day everyone! *muacks*

yay my first valentine's day dinner! haha.. and my first boquet of flowers! they're really pretty!!okok dont go getting the wrong idea now! poor ben and gary must have burnt a hole through their wallets to get them for suyi and me. thanks guys! the four of us had dinner at marche. mmm-yummy! we ate a whole load of stuff. there was calamari, steak, grilled pork chops, two fat sausages, mashed potatoes, rosti, crepe, ice-cream... sinful! but the highlight of the day definitely has to be the boston baked lobster. ok, so it was only half a lobster. but it was really good. served with pasta, it only cost $19.90. what a steal! haha... oh and the icecream is heavenly. especially the mango&passion fruit one.

we talked crap alot too. suyi was off her rockers. i think ben and gary will never have the same impression of her again. haha. but that girl rocks my world! so they just gotta live with it.

after that we walked around heeren, helping ben look out for his wallet and ear studs. doing quote-unquote research. haha.. dont worry ben, im sure the perfect wallet and studs are waiting for you to find them.. just keep looking! then we met up with keith and kong jien. its been a long time since. the guys were game for staying out late, so suyi and i left them after a while. also, my heels were killing me! i so gotta get used to wearing them mans. they make me feel tall.

thinking back, my present seems so... blah. sighs. it didnt even turn out nice. pales in comparison to the normal ones i baked, cos i ran out of chocolate chips. and it definitely pales in comparison to the flowers. sobs.

i dont care! i want my sprinkleys!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:21 pm|


Monday, February 13, 2006


OH NO!!! i totally cant remember my A'level chem anymore! sobs. what's the point in living???

where is the him that i’m looking for… |10:44 pm|


Sunday, February 12, 2006


i cant believe this. i have to help my sister type a 2page essay about 3 local theatres for drama. ugh. my brain feels so rusty; its like i'm having gp all over again and i have to come up with something by hook or by crook.

yups okies its two hours later already.. and this is what i've found out: The Guinness Theatre is a flexible black box performance space. Made up of a 10 tier retractable seating system, it has a total seating capacity of a 108 seats. Opened in the early 1970's, the Kallang Theatre was originally touted as the largest commercial cinema in Singapore. It was converted into a theatre for the performing arts in 1986. wow aint that exciting? haha... i've typed 1 and a half pages already.. *applause* i'm calling it a day.

i'm going on an expedition tmw! okok i exaggerate.. i'm going to take 97 in the morning and see how long it needs to get to the CPF building.. its 24 stops!! but i dont really want to take the train in the morning, with it being peak hour and all, unless i really have to. bahs. plus, its a loop service. so to get back home i have to board the bus at the very same bus stop and let it take me all the way to the marina area before going back home. ah wells. i hope i remember to jot down the time it takes or all my efforts will go to waste. *laughs*

its weird how the human brain can come up with such stupid links sometimes. i think i'm just mad. as if i'm that good. dumbo.

aww mans. i dont feel like going lah.. my sister is making me feel so guilty.. but i really dont mind catching a movie.. though i have no particular one in mind at this point in time. haiyah. i will decide tmw then.

wish me luck on my expedition! harhar..

where is the him that i’m looking for… |11:03 pm|


Saturday, February 11, 2006

[[11th feb]]

yay's today's a saturday! so all those busy people have no excuse to not go out with me today! haha.. no lah. i managed to lure simin and delphine out of their houses to town. but before that i made simin accompany me to bbdc to get my pdl. oh boy. their system sucks. you'd think that they were still stuck in the 1990s, the way they handle paperwork. it took more than an hour to get the thing done. and the woman behind the counter still uses the ulu way of calling out names. hello?? there's a thing called the microphone! or use the number system that's adpoted in most hospitals etc. mans. how does she expect me to hear her wispy voice when there's like a million people standing in between??

so after that we headed to town. did some shopping. ok. i did a little shopping. cant say the same for simin and delphine though. haha.. simin was torn between two blouses while del got herself a half-jacket thingy (no idea what the technical term is) and a sweet-looking skirt. which is not petticoat coloured. later we dropped by paragon for a tad bit to meet ben and gary. the poor dears seem close to tears with boredom. haha. ok i exaggerate. ben was stuck at the lancome counter. but admit its not so bad lah ben! at least the place smells like me! haha...

whopee.. i got myself a 'double date'!!! heehee... this is going to be fun...

where is the him that i’m looking for… |10:50 pm|


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

[[8th feb:suyi came over today...]]

fact of the day: the chorda tympani nerve helps you to taste

i slpt half the day away today. simply didnt feel like doing anything. so after i woke up for my regular fix of morning tv, i went back to bed, read, and fell asleep again. lazy lazy pig...

there was no lunch. didnt feel like eating. finally at ard 5pm, i gave in to the grumblings from my stomach. after rummaging through the cupboards, i found a box of pizza flavoured arnotts biscuits which were expiring today. is this my lucky day or what.

is it that hard to get decent blue nail polish around here? all the shades of blue that are avalible are either turquoise or electric blue. bahs. i look like a water demon with those nails.

su yi came over today... for about half an hour. haha... just to bide her time away. but her having her company was nice. we surfed the net and i typed her an email right under her nose. 'course i made her promise not to read it. and she'd better not have or there'll be nothing new to read tomorrow in the office!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |4:27 pm|


Tuesday, February 07, 2006


today's janice's first day at work!! jia you girl! :D

1845: Basic Theory Test. *shudders*
i thought i was late! though technically there was still 5 minutes to go, they had everyone seated already. and the guy in front was going through some kinda demostration. oh no oh no.. please dont let me be late.. i hand another man my ic, feeling my fingers start to get cold. "computer 40" this voice suddenly blares into my thoughts. huh?? steadying myself i make my way towards the computer nearest to me. luckily the red tag on the left corner of the table catches my eye. 46..45..44.. i count as i walk down the aisle. finally. 40. "please wait a few more minutes before the test commences" the guy in front announces. i notice someone entering the room, flustered. at least there's someone later than me... suddenly the computer screen changes. "please enter your password and start the test." password??? i glance tentatively at the slip of paper handed to me when i first entered. fingers fumbling, i type in the four numbers, and the test begins. pulling my sweater higher up my arms, i shiver slightly whilst tapping on the touch screen. keep your eyes to yourself. keep your eyes to yourself. the computer stations are too close to one another. i wonder if anyone has cheated before. tap. next question. tap. next question. this went on for a while. uh oh. brain freeze. i close my eyes briefly. i dont want to fail! please dont let me fail! ok ok. i can do this. tap. next question. tap... and then; screen comand: you have reached the end of this test. click ok to submit. i contemplate going back and checking through all my answers. ah hell. as if i'm that conscientious. i click ok, feverently hoping; praying...

hehs. i passed lah. yays! now i can apply for my pdl. too bad when i took the test it was after office hours so i have to go back another day. i bet people who have took their btts before will be scoffing at my entry. the way i made it sound. honestly. you'd think that after all those major exams we took in the month of november i would know better than to stress out for a silly computerised test. guess i just dont work well under pressure huh.

anyway, as i was leaving, guess who i saw! titus. haha. which is nothing much since everytime i go to bbdc i see at least one acjc person. the only funny thing is that when titus saw me he did a double take. i was walking towards the glass doors while he was walking past outside. and he looked in, looked straight then looked back in again. like he recognised me or something. haha. what an honour it is, given his reputation. i, being myself just stared straight ahead unfliching.

i better go ask around and see who's willing to accompany me to apply for my pdl..

i think emily's a nice name. isnt it? so demure and ladylike...

where is the him that i’m looking for… |9:45 pm|


Friday, February 03, 2006


its a happy happy day! i went to sentosa! its weird how life is sometimes. the last time i went there with simin and deph we agreed that we must go back soon. and when was that?? march 2005! whereas this time, i didnt even plan to go there; it was just a last minute thing. haha.. anw su yi and i went cycling. and i'm proud to proclaim that we cycled around the whole of sentosa!! now my bum hurts like mad. we spent 1.5 hours on the lousey bike seat which is so bloody hard!

then we decided to stroll along the beach; let the cold seawater tickle our toes a bit, when i did the world most's stupidest thing ever!! i tossed my sandals onto the beach so that i could rub the grease stain off my calf. one moment later, my sandals were floating right before my eyes and being swept towards the open sea. in all madness, i grabbed at the space before me wildly and managed a firm grip on one sandal. the other one was happily bobbing up and down, drifting further and further away... i thought my heart was going to stop!!! those werent ordinary sandals. they were teva sandals. bloody expensive teva sandals. after staring at it helplessly for a minute or so, contemplating if i should just dive in after in and risk getting pulled away by undercurrents considering i'm such a "professional" swimmer and all, i was ready to throw in the towel and just leave it there, as momento to my visit to sentosa on this very day. but i'd just kill myself for blowing somemore moolah on two pairs on sandals. one lost and one new. so i scoured the beach for any likeness of a swimmer and hit jackpot at the other end of the beach. thank heavens for me, su yi managed to help me beg them and they were willing to help. i actually feel quite bad for having to drag them all the way over to where my sandal was. believe me the strech of beach is pretty long. i nearly jumped for joy when they fished my sandal out. thank the Lord for that!

on to the next point of our adventure. (guess what i did next jan!! we were just talking about it yst!) we went for the luge ride! though it wasnt as impressive as the one in NZ, its still good fun. and the chairlift was really nice, what with the scenery and gentle breeze and all. scary but nice. su yi went down so fast lah! i couldnt catch even a glimspe of her after a while.. all in all the $8 was quite well spent lah. since i was reminded of my time in NZ and all. memories like those are precious.. let's go there sometime soon jan! like after we start work and save up.. ooh i'm looking so forward to it!

and the monkeys we saw today! i'll never forget them. they're soooo cute!! mikki and sakura (if i didnt remember wrongly) haha. their butts are so red... and i'll never forgive sakae sushi for tricking us! those cunning people.. masquerading their food items on similar plates, only to turn the tables on us and proclaim that "oh, the red ones are $6.20 each". bahs. cheated us of about $10 all together. hrump. thankfully for them the food was not that bad lah. then again, just about anything tastes good when you're starving.

my arms hurt like mad now. though i dont feel sunburnt, my mum insists i am. "you look like your face got pressed by an iron." yeah, i suppose it does look rather bad.. at least my legs dont hurt as bad as suyi's who almost fell out of the bus. poor gal. and dont even get me started on how painful my bum is. all that cycling....

thanks for today gal! though it was quite naughty of you to pon work. hehheh. really enjoyed myself. and i think you're right. we always do stuff that's kinda romantic. our future boyfriends should be jealous. hahaha...

where is the him that i’m looking for… |10:35 pm|


Thursday, February 02, 2006


woke up real bright and early today.. *yawns* haha.. ok lah, i woke up at 8 plus, but that is bright and early for someone who usually wakes up at 10. anw as the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm. so i accompanied janice to recruit express today in hopes of her getting a job. (so all the best jan!)

anyway, we successfully navigated nee-ann city to locate tower A. Bravo! haha.. after her interview with the person, who was trying to advertise herself for more hc pple (bleh), we went shopping!! haha.. my favourite activity. cos we were done so early, most shops weren't open yet so we decided to eat! sadly, the korean cusine outlet at the food court in taka chose today to do their spring cleaning (hrump!) and i didnt get to eat the highly recomended jiam-pong (dunno how to spell. heehee.) in the end we settled for tom yam ban mien and hot & sour thick noodles w fish. what a cheaterbug that shop was! thick noodles=chu mi fen and hot&sour soup=instant tom yam soup. whatever lah. plus it cos $4. haiyoh. daylight robbery.

after that janice and i spent the rest of the day walking up and down orchard road, esp along the stretch of far east, tangs, paragon, heeren. and taka. it was great fun though. cos we talked alot. mostly crap, but good crap. haha.. we had good laughs. about matchmaking, and her cousins, pigheads & pigskin shoes among others. we also ate fried mars bars! get a load of that! its really not that bad.. it just doesnt live up to the descriptions of the food critic whose article got published in life!. it's really rich, so that makes it quite unhealthy but one should give it a try sometime in their life. just tastes like a more gooey version of famous amos cookies.

and we bought shoes!! what's a girl to do without them? haha.. i actually couldn't decide between my bao zha shoes from bloomz or the shoes w the golden trimmings from x:odus. my indecision caused us to walk from cine to heeren and back, quite a few times i might add. not to mention, we entered x:odus like three times. i bet the woman thought we were trying to steal something; us dubious characters, hanging about since before the shop officially opened for business and returning multiple times during the day. but in the end i bought my shoes from her so she can't complain about anything then. hah! and what a steal! the shoes were HALF-PRICE!! so janice got her work shoes from there too. high five!

the trains i was on today were friggin mad! the train doors kept opening and closing when they stopped at the station. both on the way there and on the way back. mans. am i glad that i made it back safely or what. thank the lord for that.

oh i forgot to add, i'm jan's sugamama!! harhar... i'll be good to you girl *winks*

i'll never forget my bao zha shoes though. they make me laugh. and they're such great conversation starters, aren't they, jan? to shoes: don't worry i wont forget you. i promise to come and get you once i get my first pay. wait for meee.... (pyscho on the loose, pyscho on the loose!!!)

where is the him that i’m looking for… |9:29 pm|


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

[[remember never to:]]

remember never to wring cotton pants when you wash them.
remember that you hate ironing pants so dont forget never to wring them.
remember not to procrastinate next time and go jogging when you realise you can.

i'm going out with janice tmr! yayyayyay!! i hope i dont stone or bore her to death. *i will be fine. i will be fine.*

2nd post of the day. i'm going mad.. i'm going mad!!!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |9:15 pm|

[[on a lazy day as such...]]

i looked out of my window, up into the sky; what a lovely shade of blue it is! it's a really intense shade of sky blue and the clouds seem extremely white against it. how i wish i could have taken a picture of it! but the camera's locked up in the dry box and i have no access to the keys. darn!

for today's lunch i reheated some leftover food from the dinner we had with my paternal granma. so i ended up eating stewed mushrooms and ginseng chicken soup. a weird combi right? haha.. i mean, i love both dishes, but i really never expected them to become a meal on their own for me. anw, i had actually no idea the mushrooms were for me! such is the love of a mother. though there were only three mushrooms left ( and lotsa pacific clams! yum!) she bothered to keep them for me and even made sure that my granma and maid didnt lay their hands on it. sighs..

i tried packing the drawers in my room today and it's next to impossible! there's just so much junk in there. junk from my childhood. and that's what makes it so hard to clear out! i cant bring myself to throw anything away! i should just blindfold myself and tip the entire contents of the drawer into the dustbin! here's what i discovered about myself today: i used to love sailormoon! and i was an avid collector of stickers and stamps. not to mention, i suspect i was the type of girl girls like to hate when i was young! because i chanced upon my kindergarten photos and non of the girls looked familiar to me! i remember my two best friends from school were boys. ah wells. what happened to me through the years?? now i'm just anti-social. and really awkward around guys. haiz.

i've learnt a couple of new words today! *applause* they include: spangled, crinoline, tremulously, furtive(word of the day!), contemptuous, sinew, airily, and woolly. haha! i am smarter today than i was yesterday! and did you know that to "pop your clogs" means "to die"? from what i found out, its supposed to be a sort of old british slang. back in those days the working class used to wear clogs to work. i presume clogs must have a great significance to them then, kinda like their means to a livelihood. and "pop" could very well have meant "to pawn". so when one was ready to pawn their clogs they must have been close to death. there are other versions to it really. but i think this one's quite interesting.

my yee bor (granma's sister) called from canada today. i sorta freaked out! cos i'm really bad with people. i'm convinced that i bore them to death. anyway, since there was noone-else but me who could answer the phone, i had to pick it up. and it was bad. we hung up after three minutes or so. i think she's resolved to call a little later next time, like when my mum's home from work or something. still it was kinda nice to have received a phone call from a relative who's living so far away.. i'm such a contradictory person.

ok. it's time for me to dissolve away into my comfort zone and do a little something for myself. yay!

*must remember to buy a cd of CNY songs for yeebor.
*must remember to read the bible later today. and to stop putting it off!!

where is the him that i’m looking for… |3:05 pm|


storyboard author

yin teng
24th Nov 1987/ rabbit/Sagittarius

my family
my gpsm
su yi

in my lifetime, i hope to:
*have a loving husband
*and two adorable kids
*open a candy shop
*try writing a novel

my memories

|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|July 2006|September 2006|October 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|June 2007|July 2007|August 2007|October 2007|January 2008|June 2008

My Blabberbox

chit chat & gossip

My Friends

|Adeline| Ben| Chui| Dephne|
|Janice| Melissa| Michelle| Robyn|
|Serena| Simin | YongMing| sc4|
|my past| east coast park| disney on ice (princess classics)| muse (30/03/05)| 22nd May 2004|